

Tira is a Transmitting Infrared Adapter with a USB interface. It can receive as well as transmit infrared signals. For more information on this device or to get the latest drivers, please vist the Tira website, www.home-electro.com.

Using Tira with Vectir

If you have not installed the drivers for your Tira, please view the hardware setup topic for instructions on driver installation and testing of your Tira.

The Tira setup dialog is available under the Hardware option on the Setup panel. When the Tira setup dialog is first opened, the General tab should be visible. See below:

The Enable and Disable radio buttons enable/disable IR reception and transmission with Tira. If the Disable radio button is 'checked', Vectir will ignore any IR received from the Tira and will not transmit any IR to Tira.

The Capture mode on check box will put the Tira module into capture mode when checked. See the Capture Mode section below.

The Connection State LED is green when Vectir has connected to the Tira module. If Vectir was unable to connect to Tira, this LED will be red.

The Operating State LED is green when Tira is enabled and red when Tira is disabled. The enabled and disabled state is controlled by the Enable and Disable radio buttons.

The text box at the bottom of this dialog, is used to show IR data received from Tira. If the Tira is connected and enabled, any IR data that is received should be displayed in this text box.
Other information relating to Tira such as details of detected errors may be displayed here as well.

Tira Settings

The Tira settings are available from the Settings tab on the Tira setup dialog. See below:

The COM Port setting should be set to the COM port that your Tira device was installed on. The correct COM port can be found by looking under windows device manager for "Tira USB IR Adapter". Under Windows XP, go to Start > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager. Open "Ports (COM & LPT) and note which COM port the device called "Tira USB IR Adapter" is installed on.
Note: If you are not using the latest version of the Tira drivers, Tira may be referred to as "USB Serial Port" under device manager.

The Transmit repeat count setting controls how many times an IR signal is repeated for each transmission. i.e. if this setting is 1, the IR signal will only get sent once for each transmission. If this setting is 10, the IR signal will get repeated 10 times in a row for each transmission.
This setting may need to be tuned for the device that you are attempting to transmit IR to. If the device is failing to pick up the IR signal, try increasing the transmit repeat count. If the device is receiving the IR signal too many times, try reducing the transmit repeat count.

Capture Mode

When Tira is in capture mode, it will attempt to read enough information about a received IR signal to be able to successfully re-transmit the signal. The Capture mode on check box on the General tab turns capture mode on and off.

Please view the sending IR topic for instructions on how to use the capture mode with Vectir.